It is with much sadness that we have learned of the untimely passing of Mr John Leckey. Known to many in his work as the senior coroner for Northern Ireland, we knew him better in his role as a Trustee of the Ulster Society for Promoting the Education of the Deaf and the Blind, and as a Governor of Jordanstown School.

John became a Trustee of the Society in 1988 and served until 2017, including as Vice Chair from 2012 until 2016. He was deeply committed to his various roles and carried them out faithfully and diligently. He had a great depth of knowledge which was evident while dealing with the wide range of matters which arose over the years. The present Trustees and Governors remember him as being conscientious, courteous, wise and kind – one of life’s true gentlemen.

The Ulster Society, and the Governors, staff and pupils of Jordanstown School, owe a debt of gratitude to John for all he did in his twenty nine years of service to the Society and the School. We extend to his wife, sons and whole family circle our deepest sympathy in their sad loss.